Monday, 14 January 2013

Introduction into Creativity

Creativity has many meanings, the simplest being a describing word to show the "making" of a product/idea. In more complex terms the creation of something that requires talent e.g. music, or the creation of something unique, different and original which may require a collaboration of previous ideas/products.

Many people argue whether a combination of randomised or already used ideas to create a product is "creative. Generating a randomised Album Cover, first taking a random artist name using the random page selector tool on wikipedia, then album name from quotationspage random quote selector tool, and the 3rd picture from Flikr's most interesting page I will have created a possible "Creative" product.

In my opinion the album covers I have created look very interesting and aesthetically pleasing, and could be easily believed to be real products. Surely if the product can fit in with a range of similar products which are deemed "creative" so is this? An example is the band "Swiss Lips" who use material from films and other media products to create their own branding and image. Their EP Album Cover is simple Impact font like "The MED" above and uses an image from a dance film called "Breakin'" (1984).

This film is also used throughout their music video. Response to this album cover is the simplicity of it makes it look bold and inspiring, whilst this simple bold effect is very original and different from the current album covers on the market. The description from the target audience describes what I thought initially of what Creativity meant, which would subsequently make the product creative, but the fact that the product isn't created with much "talent" or "hardwork" deems it uninspiring and copied for the other side of the argument.

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