Friday, 31 May 2013
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Friday, 17 May 2013
Mixtape Planning
- I've decided that my theme mixtape will be a 'soundtrack'.
- This soundtrack is to a film that doesn't exist and therefore brings theories such as 'Hyper Reality' and 'Bricolage' it to context.
- For example, songs taken from different contexts that fit together to portray a story.
- The theme of the story changing from happyness, to dispair to happyness. With the aim for the audience to think these songs are a good representation of this yet the story they represent doesn't actually exist.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Dinosaur Pile-Up's "Derail"
Dinosaur Pile-Ups music video for their single "Derial" is another example of a post-modern media crossing bewtween media and film. The main refrence is to the film 'Pysco' in which the music video uses the famous 'shower scene'. This brings up the argument for & against post-modernsim as a modern audience would more than likely see that scene as having low quality acting and realism, however because this new music video copies the original, it is meant to be bad and therefore is deemed 'good'.
The music video also has similar actions and overal feel to the film 'The Disappearance of Alice Creed'. The scene in which she picks up the keys with her foot is extremely similar to a scene from the film.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Jonathan Kramer Music Theory - 2nd Example
- is, on some level and in some way, ironic
- considers music not as autonomous but as relevant to cultural, social, and political contexts
- locates meaning and even structure in listeners, more than in scores, performances, or composers
This song and music video bring up many political and enviromental issues trying to put across their feelings and beliefs about such situations. They however do this in a 'comedic' fashion to reach their target audience or to again show there enjoying themselves.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Jonathan Kramer Music Theory - 1st Example
- Arcane Roots debut album Blood & Chemistry is made up of ten tracks. 2 of which 'Sacred Shapes & Slow' seemingly have a couple minutes of an interlude at the end. However these interludes are the same song, slightly different in structure and style but when placed toegtheralmostcreate a full 4 minute song.
- This can link to the following points in Jonathan Kramer's theory:
- shows disdain for the often unquestioned value of structural unity
- avoids totalizing forms (e.g., does not want entire pieces to be tonal or serial or cast in a prescribed formal mold
- includes fragmentations and discontinuities
- This can link to the following points in Jonathan Kramer's theory:
- shows disdain for the often unquestioned value of structural unity
- avoids totalizing forms (e.g., does not want entire pieces to be tonal or serial or cast in a prescribed formal mold
- includes fragmentations and discontinuities
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